Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Posting some free sounds/samples

Going to start posting some free samples/sounds i've made over the past few months. I use a lot of generative software and have more electronic bleeps and loops then i could ever use.

Some of them are made with image to audio software such as audiopaint or coagula Both are worth experimenting with if you like bleepy 70's type sounds made from your phone pictures.

Anyway feel free to use if you like anything.

Might start posting up some loops and other bits and pieces if anyone's interested.

Anyway i will be posting via twitter/twitwall for now so if your interested, have a look here or here for a direct link.

Google Web Elements

Google Web Elements lets you add your Docs, Maps, Customs searches etc to your site...Its as simple as adding the link to a box, copying the code and adding to your website.

I can see this being useful for wensites and its also a big improvement on screen grabbing Google Maps.

Monday, May 18, 2009

BBC Radiophonic Workshop - The Dreams

Was listening to a 1964 BBC 'invention for radio' I downloaded from Newstalgia. Its a strange radioplay/electronic composition/montage piece that runs to about half an hour and is worth listening to if you're interested in the tape splicing/music concrete era Radiophonic Workshop.

Its interesting what was considered mainstream listening back then...but maybe that's just common to any era. Anyway the original posting is here.

And the montage stuff and sound effects is Delia Derbyshire apparently. So that probably makes it worth a listen...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Glitch DS - Cellular automaton sequence drum machine

Finally got this one working on the Nintendo DS it works by using cellular automaton patterns to trigger multiple samples on an underlying grid...Like most homebrew DS its slightly fussy about what folders go where on your memory card...but apart from that - brilliant. Makes drum loops you would never think of doing manually (not sober anyway). Lots of samples on the site to get you started. You could probably use this for something more melodic if you turned the BPM down...if that's your thing.
It also works on Mac (if you must) and PC now.

gizapage social network organiser

Yet another social network but with a difference...your profile has a set of tabs for all your blogs, myspace, twitter etc...which is handy if you want to point someone at someone at all your info...or just keep track of it all yourself. have a look at or look at one I set up

Update: 20/05/11. Not sure it this page is still active...


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