Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Weisskalt/Blauwarm myspace netlabel

This has to be one of the best put together MySpace music pages i have seen. It works as the front page for a net label and has loads of music to download. More like a real website then a MySpace page...

...and there is some good stuff on there.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

RSC E-Learning Conference 02-06-09 rscyh09

rscyh09. Overall really good this time...the venue and weather helped a lot. As always its good to catch up with what others are up to.


Good opening speeches, its interesting to see how far we have come, lets face it we are at a point (at last) where enough people are finally doing this stuff for it to be mainstram...its taken a while.

Sessions attended:

What Google can do for you...
It is interesting to look at what people present actually use. Not many seem to use Google Docs either in class or with learners yet.
As the presentation tool is fairly simple to use should teaching staff be using this to build up resources with? Forms could also be used for in-class activities.

I came across Google Web Elements a while ago (here) this provides a simple way to embed Google components onto websites and VLEs. This could be useful for building up a resource-heavy page with documents, maps calenders etc. If anybody has used this in anger I would be interested.

It is interesting to look at the rapidly expanding Google portfolio, if you include YouTube, Google reader etc...what more do you need for basic staff and student activities?

Its going to be interesting to see what happens to when Google Wave Launches as this will allow you to tie in everything with easily definable groups.

Google offer an educational version which can be monitored and tied to IP ranges. Microsoft are offering very similar educational products (go to http://www.microsoft.com/liveatedu/free-hosted-student-email.aspx ) Personally i like them both but they have different stregnths at the moment.

I can see mainstream social networking becoming a competition between Wave and Spaces (flame here please). Lets face it...been trying to change my profile picture in Twitter for a month. If they can't get that right ...

Ucan Skills Project...
http://www.slideshare.net/paulmayes/jisc-rsc-yh-elearning-conf-2009-ukanskillsJisc capital project 2007-9. Online 'skills development maps' for a range of courses. Used mapping to integrate skills in degrees/fds. Accompanying learning objects where developed along with a repository (here).

Interesting that curriculum mapping is so much more embedded in the US...how many courses do this as formally in the UK?

We recently produced a skills audit tool for FD prior accreditation. If anybody else has any similar tools i think its worth sharing...go on...

Learning to walk befor you can run (etc)
Very well produced online resourses using video and photography. Its always good to see practical subjects delivered online (when done properly). Its also good to have development time to do this...

2d-Codes / smart media / rfid (aiDC)

Interesting talk on removal of data needs from connectivity - using barcodes

  • as receipt system for coursework
  • adding text to real object
  • driving text readers

    4ooo ascii chars...thats quite a lot of data in a small space.... i have to confess to liking these things for the sake of it apart from any practical applications. If anybody has any real life experiences please share. I think the whole point the 'phonecam and make things happen' is enough to get kids engaged. Please put the presentation online...


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