reflected landscape
via Tumblr
Photo: tvoom
Edit: philopenshawedited in snapseed
1. drama
2. saturation and contrast
3. lens blur
4.vignetteReblogging allowed with ALL notes intact
Briggate is unusually wide for a road of this era as it was always intended to host (and collect tolls from) fairs and markets along its length. As the area evolved gradually evolved into a densely populated centre of manufacture locally produced cloth was sold both at the regular market and around the bridge area.
Photography by rachelminshull and philopenshaw For more go to:
brick: decay 3
First White Cloth Hall. A long term photographic survey of a long neglected historic building in the centre of Leeds. Photography by rachelminshull and philopenshaw For more go to:
Rear view
First White Cloth Hall. A long term photographic survey of a long neglected historic building in the centre of Leeds. Photography by rachelminshull and philopenshaw For more go to:
Rear view
First White Cloth Hall. A long term photographic survey of a long neglected historic building in the centre of Leeds. Photography by rachelminshull and philopenshaw For more go to:
Assembly Rooms: 3rd White cloth Hall
The assembly rooms where originally part the North Side of the 3rd White Cloth Hall. The development of factory processing of cloth in the early nineteenth century let to the decline in use of the Cloth Hall and when the viaduct carrying the new railway line was built in 1865 most of the building was demolished.
distracted 9
urban gothic: all the pretty horses (black re-edited)
distracted 8